Oldest Daughter Unfiltered

Today is a big day for two reasons. My posted picture ties into both.  

  1. It’s Day 1 of my return to regular exercise walking.  Until recently I was doing really well – walking between 5 and 10K steps 4-5 times a week.  Then I let my Writing-Conference guide (“Keep your a** in the chair) take over.   

Now I’m hoping to get close to 5K steps* again.  I took the pic this morning as proof.  However,  the picture doesn’t show what I saw.  That’s because I was wearing UV-filtered sunglasses. My filtered view was a lot more appealing to me — lots of bronze colors and contrasts that didn’t show in my phone’s camera.

The Big 12 and me

2) It’s a big day for the Big 12.  Not  the collegiate Big 12 (of which there are actually only 10 teams) But the Big 12 Democratic rivals for the presidential nomination who will meet tonight onstage in a televised debate at Otterbein University in Ohio. Each of them will be attempting to put their best foot forward (and hopefully not into their mouths) to win the hearts and minds  of voters.  I plan to be in the audience.

What does the posted picture have to do with all of this?

Yo’ve probably already guessed my point. What a difference a filter makes. So… what filter(s) will I use tonight as I watch and listen?  How does any filter I use color my opinions?

  • How will my self-perception as a moderate, conservative or progressive affect my judgment about a  candidate’s responses?
  • How will  my affiliations with a specific religious, political, social, or economic group affect my judgment?
  • How will my opinion of the moderator’s journalistic affiliation affect my judgment?
  • How will the appearance or tone of voice of audience members who ask questions affect my judgment?


The value of independent thinking. The value of putting one foot in front of the other.  *4,878 steps today.

Patricia Schudy

Patricia Schudy is the author of the non-fiction book, "Oldest Daughters: What to know if you are one or have ever been bossed around by one," and is currently writing a suspense-romance novel. She is a former nationally syndicated, youth-advice columnist ("Talk to Us," Universal Press Syndicate/Andrews McMeel) and a free-lance feature writer for local and national publications, ncluding Better Homes and Gardens /Meredith Publications, the Kansas City STAR Magazine and the National Catholic Reporter. She is a member of Sisters in Crime (SINC), Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers, and Northern Colorado Writers. The oldest child in her family-of-origin’s five siblings, she is the mother of five adult children and the grandmother of eight. “Relationships are integral to who I am and what I choose to write about.”

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Carole Barnickel

    Excellent & insightful comparisons. Keep up ur commitment to learning about the Issues, candidates & walking.

  2. Maril Crabtree

    good thoughts, Pat. Today I asked a member of my writing group, who I knew supported Trump, and was also a devout Christian, what she thought of the latest impeachment efforts and whether she still supported him. Her response was “yes” and her explanation was that, although she was disgusted by many of his un-Christian behaviors, “I can’t get rid of the thought that God may be using him for His own purposes” which will ultimately benefit us all.
    I was flabbergasted but instead of firing back a response I simply continued in my curiosity mode and kept asking questions. The result was that I had a unique window into this person’s thinking, and could see how it made sense to her (she mentioned several Biblical examples of God “using” nasty or unethical people for His purposes).
    I was also acutely aware of how much her filters had affected her judgment and opinions.
    We’re still friends, though!

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