To oldest daughters and their families, friends, colleagues. To anyone interested in the pivotal role daughters can and do play in families and beyond--welcome.
To oldest daughters and their families, friends, colleagues. To anyone interested in the pivotal role daughters can and do play in families and beyond--welcome.
To oldest daughters and their families, friends, colleagues. To anyone interested in the pivotal role daughters can and do play in families and beyond--welcome.

Those of us who grew up as the first-born female in our immediate family were often expected to nurture as well as to lead. If we were also the oldest child, statistics show that we grew up to become leaders.
What does that mean now for oldest daughters--
no longer girls, but women?

Consider the Blog page offers points and perspectives on a wide range of current topics, including ones that often unite or divide us. Reader’s comments are welcome! Unless otherwise noted, the photos in the blogs were all taken by Patricia Schudy and are part of her copyrighted portfolio.
In a sidebar to the right of the current post is a subscription form you can fill out if you’d like to be notified whenever a new blog is posted. At the bottom of the page is a “comment” form where you can share your thoughts on the current blog.

Books by Patricia Schudy and P.H. Schudy This page gives you information about the mystery/suspense novel Patricia is currently writing and also about her non-fiction book

The Events page highlights Patricia Schudy’s presentations, guest posts, book signings, and book club appearances. Questions for Book Club Discussions also appear here.

About Patricia Schudy provides information about the oldest-daughter creator of this website.

A small icon appears on each page of this website. It is one of a series of copyrighted images created for Patricia. It could be said to represent, in a small way, her alter ego.