She could take a nothing day…

How is it possible to feel so sad about losing someone who wasn’t a long-time personal friend?

Actually, that’s not accurate.  She just didn’t know she was my long-time personal friend. And I didn’t know for years that she was also an oldest daughter.

For over a decade I watched her television shows, admired her spunk, made wardrobe decisions based on what I saw her wear, and hopefully took on some of her characters’ grace, integrity and humor — especially as a young woman in the workforce. I even believed I could make it someday, too.

I felt a real sense of loss when her television series ended.  Then I realized that in the world of reruns, I could still catch, enjoy and take lessons from her interacting with a cast of characters that we knew someplace in our own worlds.   The irascible but tender-hearted Mr. Grant, the bumbling Ted Baxter and the oh-so-different Rhoda, Georgette, Su Ann and Phyllis.

But today’s news isn’t fake news.  The Emmy-winning actor and my television friend is  actually gone.  I mourn, until I smile, remembering that freeze-frame of her tam-tossing jubilance in the face of life’s challenges.

Bravo, Mary Tyler Moore.  Thank you.

Patricia Schudy

Patricia Schudy is the author of the non-fiction book, "Oldest Daughters: What to know if you are one or have ever been bossed around by one," and is currently writing a suspense-romance novel. She is a former nationally syndicated, youth-advice columnist ("Talk to Us," Universal Press Syndicate/Andrews McMeel) and a free-lance feature writer for local and national publications, ncluding Better Homes and Gardens /Meredith Publications, the Kansas City STAR Magazine and the National Catholic Reporter. She is a member of Sisters in Crime (SINC), Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers, and Northern Colorado Writers. The oldest child in her family-of-origin’s five siblings, she is the mother of five adult children and the grandmother of eight. “Relationships are integral to who I am and what I choose to write about.”